Friday, July 3, 2009

Week 5 Blog Post #4 Chapter 11 Page 356

Phone Rage

The topic of phone rage is discussed in Chapter 11 and I found this topic very interesting because I can definitely relate to this topic on a day to day level. Phone rage is very unwanted and unnecessary in that you are affecting the person on the other end of the phone whether you mean to or not and possibly ruining their day. I know that I have to make numerous phone calls a day and sometimes the people I come across just seem to be flat out angry people. I don't understand how this could happen because this is your job and you are supposed to be professional so how can they treat me this way when first of all they don't even know me, and second, the reason for my call is business. When people are rude to me or angry with me on the phone I know I shouldn't take it personally but it can sometimes get to me and change my mood that day. Also personal issues discussed over the phone are never necessary. For example I once had a lady tell me that her husband had just passed unexpectedly and she went on for about five minutes explaining this to me and why she couldn't get something to me right away. It was very depressing and though I understand she probably needed someone to talk to, it made me feel uncomfortable and guilty for even asking something of her.


  1. Same here! I spend quite some time on phone for business. So people have effective communication to get their ideas across, but there are some others who use the phone as a verbal weapon. Emotion like of angry and resentment some to be amplified that I think with even further context in communication has (from video conferencing to face-to-face). I guess not being able to see their ugly angry face allows them to use insane language where otherwise they would have deemed inappropriate.
    With that, I think the story of the Phone Rage is particularly alarming. The position the guy is in, I would surely call as harassment. I would definitely be scared if it was my monday morning. To address the issue the guy would need an open authentic dialogue with Mr. S.

  2. Phone rage is the worse thing ever. What I come across the most, are people who are mad about a price, they can't get their dogs in to the groomers, the haircut wasn't good, etc. I understand that you're angry about things, but when it's taken out on me and I cannot do anything about it, that effects my mood for everyone else. I try not to let it effect me because, they are upset about something and would like something to change. What really gets to me is when I have explained to them over and over again that I cannot really do anything about it most of the time because I am not management. If only we had tvs on phones so we can see the others faces lol.
